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Top 10 Video Marketing Ideas To Increase Brand Awareness Of Your Cannabis Business

Currently, video content is one of the most successful ways for business promotion, increasing Tik-Tok and Youtube popularity. Online video marketing can easily make your brand recognizable, and that is what your cannabis business needs. Creating videos for social media, performing prevalent challenges, doing interview videos – all of this and not only will work for you and your profit. So how to make your cannabis brand successful at the expense of marketing video production? Let’s learn more about it.


Like for any other business, you need to have an action plan for reaching specific marketing goals. Your task is to figure out both short and long-term goals for a profitable video strategy. It typically goes to brand engagement, brand recognition, and education. As for cannabis affairs, you can easily refer to at least ten types of video content marketing to choose a suitable one.



The key to success is to make your business presentation eye-catching and noticed. Since almost every customer discovers a new brand on Youtube, it is time to build the proper recognition for your affair. Essentially, brand awareness is a thing worth developing – the more you work on business reputation, the more customers will trust you.

The best way to build an excellent video strategy is to make your content for mass appeal means you need to create content that will be clear for every potential client. This way, it will be easier for you as a business owner to achieve excellent brand visibility without using a high target. Your first purpose is to attract as much attention as possible.

Different benefits of video marketing will be helpful for the cannabis business as well, including successful brand promotion and advertising. Here are the aptest ones.


Content for social media platforms must be attractive enough so a potential customer will be willing to stop at it. However, this idea is not always easy to perform. While social media videos are an effective marketing tool, only a well-elaborated video strategy will work nicely here.

Keep in mind that your video content should be qualitative, straightforward, and easy to share. You would better think about the right concept for videos related to a cannabis business. Another significant thing to consider is to make a message that you want to send to the audience; a call to action will suit there perfectly too. Don’t forget about social media algorithms that may influence the visibility of your content.



If you are going to launch a new product or service or even plan to rebrand, no other method will work wonderfully except the visual content implementation. You will be allowed to show up a new production from the different edges and achieve a desired promoting result at the expense of a visual aspect.

Refer to the 3D animation to look fresh and modern in the customer’s eye. Besides, an excellent solution is an artwork, abstraction, 2D visualization, etc. The best launch and product video content is eye-catching and attention-grabbing – remember to make a wow effect while deciding on a new product presentation.

When it comes to a cannabis business advertisement, think about showing a new product in action so a viewer will see all the benefits at first glance. Create something vivid and engaging, and be sure your new product will be appreciated very soon.


Videos published on your business website will bring you excellent SEO benefits – the video content is considered an essential working tool to increase organic traffic from a search engine.

For achieving the desired marketing goals, you need to replace a part of a website text with a video. Customers will more likely watch a short, engaging video rather than read the same boring information. Try to implement visual content while a company introduction or client welcome too.

A golden rule for the right website content is to combine text and media properly. A brilliant tip is to highlight a separate video heading to ensure your cannabis visual aspect is noticed.



Whether you are interested in making a big impression on the audience, a commercial video is suitable for your affair. It is probably the aptest way for a brand promotion campaign since it incorporates a mass scale to your business.

A commercial works well for representation the brand spirit and atmosphere at the expense of using intellect, humor, or emotions. Suppose your cannabis video marketing agency decides to refer to a commercial approach. In that case, you will need to try to reach the best quality and make your message and call to action genuinely effective.


The video blogs are perfect for installing friendly relationships with your audience. It is a beautiful way to communicate with viewers regularly. You will be allowed to answer their questions, give valuable tips about cannabis production, show up new products, etc.

The critical thing to remember while creating a regular video blog is to follow a determined schedule. Your audience will be more engaged in watching if you give them a specific time of release. To maintain your video blog, you need to choose a person who feels comfortable in front of a camera.



To represent a brand portrait, you may refer to the videos related to team-building, workflow, or a typical working day. Your business firstly goes to people working in it, so try to show them how they will appreciate.

An audience will anyway pay attention to the light-hearted companies – in that case, incorporate some humor to your videos to make them attractive and worthy to watch. The culture videos work well for special occasions, events, and holidays as well.


Keep in mind that your clients always have something good to say about your production, so don’t miss a chance to use that information. Testimonial videos and case studies are intended to understand better the customer’s problem and how your product helps deal with an issue.

Such video content is an excellent method for increasing affair reputation since it relies on the authentic experience of the customers. However, it would help if you were careful with your video coordination – it will be better to fully dedicate it to your client. Let your customer feel convenient and relaxed in front of a camera to get an expected promoting effect.



The event marketing video for cannabis allowed you to gain some authority too. Whether performing an event based on a cannabis theme, don’t forget to record it and release it later. An excellent variant is to record the speeches of your workers at panel discussions or presentations to ensure brand recognition. Nonetheless, you can efficiently perform a stream from your cannabis event to provide excellent communication with your audience.

Making short informative videos related to webinars and events of your cannabis business is another key to reach success. Add this element to your marketing strategy, and notice how fast the brand is growing!


The marketing videos are determined by interview content too. Speaking with experts, researchers, and other famous people will prove that your company has something significant to say. Additionally, whether you will show up your knowledge during a conversation will reinforce a business reputation.

Please don’t pass by the opportunity to speak with a recognizable person since it will bring you essential brand recognition. Besides, such videos will be an excellent addition to a general website content of a cannabis business.



Essentially, video is the easiest way to explain how something works. According to the statistics, around 64% of customers have performed a purchase after watching a video, so take into account that cannabis production has to go side by side with how-to videos of proper use.

In addition, product demo videos are also an excellent tool for a business marketing strategy. They will give vital knowledge to an audience on how a particular product is working, so try to make them short and clear enough. You would better use 2D animation for a video explainer to clarify all the contradictory points that may appear.

As for video content for a cannabis business, your first goal is to explain clearly the mechanism of product or service operation. Keep in mind that most clients will search for such videos – make sure you have a few ones to offer.


