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5 Cannabis Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

The topic of marijuana excites businessmen in all states, as they see it as a real gold mine. This is the future of organic pharmaceuticals, very enjoyable and profitable.

As you know, since the decriminalization of medicinal marijuana in the United States in 2018, hospitals and special centers in different cities have opened many doors of so-called “coffee shops” for patients with various pains and mental problems. More precisely, in 33 states of the USA, this plant is approved for use solely for the treatment and relief of various conditions such as depression, PTSD, anxiety, and borderline disorders, as well as for helping terminally ill people, etc., and in 11 more states of the homeland cannabis, products containing it and its derivatives have been allowed for recreational use by residents over the age of 21. 

With the growing interest in this business sector, also competition arose. This is good for the consumer as they are provided with new product options, better service, and a more personalized approach, but small and medium entrepreneurs may not be able to withstand the pressure of dealing with business sharks. To do this, you, exactly you, need to correspond to the general movement of the marketing cannabis industry, without deviating from the general course and without making elementary mistakes. What kind of serious problems you can avoid by following the tips that our experts have diligently collected for you, we will tell you below: 

1. Making assumptions about your audience

Don’t decide for your customers exactly what they want from your ad. If you start thinking about stereotypes and focus only on some age or social group of prospective visitors, then your cannabis marketing strategy is doomed to a loud failure.

Remember that the same type of advertising humor and slogans will only catch some smokers.

So by taking a few steps, you can figure out which people are reaching out to you. The first step is to interview customers after purchase and find out the reasons for the purchase in common. This way you divide them into groups. It is also important to determine which of the types is more of a target audience. The second step involves the design of advertisements of different styles and observation, for which of the calculated groups, which will work better.

In the future, you will be able to combine and alternate different approaches in one cannabis marketing plan.

cannabis marketing

2. Not differentiating yourself from the competition

Error! A huge mistake! Red flag!

Although earlier we said that you need to follow a general course, this did not mean at all that you need to ignore the fact that your cannabis marketing company is like two peas in a pod similar to what your competitor is doing. It just means that you need to keep up with the times. You have to stand out to survive in the world of capitalism, that is the truth.

But why is my business different from that of a neighbor, you ask? Here are a couple of answers to what advertising could focus on:

  • Rare products; 

Brought from hard-to-reach places, adapted for fans of books or TV series, grass with the addition of unexpected and unusual ingredients, etc.

  • “Zest” in the service or decoration of the institution;

For example, turn your store or cafe into a witch’s hut in the woods, arrange the presentation of products in the form of magical decoctions and potions, and then advertise in the same style. Believe me, not only children love to see a fairy tale, but also adults. And if these are critically ill patients, then they need an excuse to distract from the reason that brought them to you.

  • Relaxing atmosphere;

You can bet on cozy spots in your store, soothing music, coffee, and desserts to choose from, in addition to your main herbal profile.

  • Activity;

You can also conduct various master classes, involving experts in the work. Provide an opportunity for everyone to bake cupcakes from your products, etc. for a certain fee.

  • Create a loyalty program;

Remember that discount cards are needed not only in clothing stores. They make buyers hyper-fix on you and your services, subconsciously choosing you when they compare to your competitors. This is a simple idea for how to make a person your loyal fan. If you give out points for previous purchases, then a person will not be able to go to another store, realizing that he accumulates points with your card. After the attention-grabbing stage, you must use all the marketing tools that are allowed to keep your customers’ focus on you and only you.

  • Memorable text messages;

In this case, we are talking about those people who have already bought from you once and left their contact details, as well as about your regular customers. Make a personalized newsletter informing them about your existing promotions and news. If you know specifically what this or that person often orders, then you can separately notify him about changes related to this type of your product.

Find your version and apply it, you can even mix it with others so that they work for your reputation.

cannabis marketing strategy

3. Failing to keep up with cannabis marketing regulations

Since the topic for advertising is very specific, not all online platforms, social networks, international websites, and trade networks agree to host your advertisements. If this is an American or Canadian service, then, with some restrictions, it can still make some kind of promotion that attracts a new audience to you. However, even this may be illegal in many states. If you want to work quietly on your business without attracting heightened police interest, then you should not violate the existing rules of the cannabis industry.

Keep up with the latest innovations and decrees in your area, it is even advisable to hire a lawyer and a specialist from the cannabis marketing agency to be sure of your actions. The point is, it can be difficult for you as a business owner to immediately grasp the FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including Cannabidiol (CBD), even using official information from their website. And one overlooked little thing can be expensive in your case.

cannabis products marketing

4. Making misleading claims about cannabis products.

Don’t create false or incorrect ads for yourself. So far, not much time has passed since legalization, so the government is especially strict in regulating cannabinoid and cannabis marketing, as well as methods for expanding a new branch in the pharmaceutical business. If you cheat buyers and do not fulfill your task in good faith, you may be fined or even revoked.

After all, dishonest businessmen in such a delicate matter as the sale of marijuana, who claim that this plant alone can cure everything from cancer to gastritis, can have a detrimental effect on the public. Remember this and do not be tempted to use manipulation when you run your store page on social networks, when you hang up banners and various signs, when you design cannabis marketing SEO, when you indicate information on the product itself, or when you train employees.

cannabis marketing education

5. Not making education a priority.

Don’t be afraid to contradict the words of your customers who come to ask you about some common grass myth. Yes, there is such a rule about the client’s correctness, but not in this case. In the same pharmacy, the patient must be aware of what exactly he buys and how it is desirable to take it. Who, no matter how the pharmacist, will tell him what he does not know?

There is also a need in your store to educate people about discoveries, facts, and research into the effects of cannabis. In addition, in addition to abstract scientific hypotheses and theories, you can share practical advice with them.

The buyer would be glad to know more about the product, but the problem is that different sources of information contradict each other.

Keep in mind that there is still a bias against grass, and only you and your colleagues will be able to dispel it.

We hope that our information will help you take your business to the next level, while not getting too big. If you, as a business owner, honestly admit your past mistakes regarding the cannabis plant advertising campaign you ran, and then methodically correct them point by point, it will make your organic therapy thrive. Never forget that you are doing an important job by removing the prejudices in the minds of the US population, which were created over many years of the wrong course of drug policy and prevented those who needed it from receiving proper help. Cannabis is the future, so don’t miss your chance!

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