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Cannabis Marketing

Best For Your Cannabis Business

Cannabis Marketing

Start getting more clients with Winning Marketing Strategies

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What is Cannabis Marketing

Cannabis marketing is a necessary solution, which is specially designed to provide marihuana businesses with all the tools as well as tactics that are useful for their business’ growth. It is not only important for a new business, but for an experienced one as well. With the current status of cannabis still in flux, lots of start-ups find it a difficult task to navigate the tangle of advertising restrictions, that are placed by state legislators on the new business owners. It is not an easy task to build a good reputation as well as national awareness, because of different laws and federal restrictions. So, what can you do to raise your brand awareness and build a big audience of cannabis consumers? The answer is simple – apply for Cannabis Marketing specialists – Winning Marketing Strategies.

Cannabis Marketing Services


Online Cannabis Marketing is a highly important thing that can push your business up. There are many services, which have a big impact on your business growth as well as its further success. Online marketing is a motive power that has most you need to succeed in gaining customers and organic traffic. In comparison with the other industries, in the cannabis industry, most of the traditional forms of advertising are banned. Thus, it is not easy to promote a company that is specialized in selling cannabis and cannabis-based products as it is in most of the sectors. Thus, you need a competent, qualified and creative team of experts to get your message out. Marijuana marketing is an important strategy that is necessary to build your company’s Reputation, by using lots of efficient internet tools, strategies, and solutions. When it comes to cannabis online marketing, Website Design and Development play an important role. A website design provides an online presence on your weed site that is crucial to succeeding in your business’ growth. Thanks to your medical marijuana dispensary, your potential customers can look for information as well as learn about the products that your company sells.

You have to think about your Search Engine Optimization or SEO (the process of increasing exposure in the organic search results for the necessary keywords) as well as Search Engine Marketing or SEM (process of receiving online exposure with the help of keywords related to your business) campaigns. It is very important to get success in the highly competitive marketplace, as, without necessary cannabis marketing solutions, your business will have a very high chance of failure. In addition to this, you have also to think about Pay-Per-Click (PPC) service – an ad that displays on search engine pages (you pay only when the user clicks on it and moves to your landing page or website).


A good online marketing strategy should also include Email Marketing (a necessary tool to inform your current customers with some news, coupons, and sales, offered by your company). Marijuana Social Media Marketing is a widely used solution to spread your brand awareness. If you do not speak to your audience through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, you are missing out. SMM is necessary to bring a great success to your business growth. It is useful for driving sales and leads as well as for creating devoted brand advocates. Content Creation for the cannabis industry is a vital part of any website. Content Marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing high quality as well as relevant content that is specially designed to attract readers’ attention and, as a result, to drive profitable customer action. Mobile Marketing is a digital marketing strategy focused at reaching a target audience on their tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices, through the websites, SMS and MMS, email, social media, and apps.

Marijuana Online Store Design & Development

Like all businesses, cannabis brands also face difficulties in finding loyal customers in a crowded marketplace. Today, it becomes harder to attract loyal customers. We believe in a deep collaboration with our clients. It is necessary to make medical cannabis shop unique, and much better than the competitors’ websites. We take into account all the requirements as well as preferences of our clients to provide them with the best cannabis website design their business deserves. We ensure a cannabis-friendly website design so that the user will be able to find what he is looking for in a fast, easy and convenient way.

Our web design service is professional as well as an innovative approach that will positively work on your business growth and development. While promoting your business it is highly important to consider audience intent. We know for sure, that a good website design is one of the best tools that may help you to increase your customer base and site awareness in search engines. That is why we will do our best to optimize your cannabis or cannabis-based website for maximum engagement, increase conversions and do the best to improve your profits.

Although a good design is an advance cost, your online marijuana dispensary is the most economical way to compete on equal terms with well-capitalized partners. Moreover, we can help our clients to have a clear understanding about how their competitors are using web design to promote the products they sell as well as what standards are used for the web engagement of weed industry. Our clients can easily monitor the traffic on their websites. Everything is transparent, so you will always be able to monitor what is changed and improved on weed dispensary website as well as how it helps your traffic growth.  

Email Marketing For Furniture Businesses

Marijuana Social Media Marketing

Cannabis Online Store Local SEO

Local Optimization

Researches have shown, above 70% of people who are looking for a service nearby try to visit a business the same day. Approximately 25-28% of them end up their searching with a purchase. Therefore, if your business is focused on local customers, then local SEO is what will really help you. So, whether you are an owner of a hydroponics store, dispensary, or a co-op, local SEO will bring a relevant traffic to your website.

Content Creation

If there is a necessity, our team of experts will provide high-quality content that will perfectly work on your local SEO. Quality content, as was said above, is a highly important thing that is necessary to attract the foot audience to your cannabis-based website. High-quality content should be a part of every SEO strategy. With the help of content, your target audience will perceive you as well as your company as the best choice to satisfy their needs. That is why our clients perceive us as the best experts in writing blog posts.

Landing Pages

Landing page – where the visitor “lands”, is designed for marketing or advertising campaign. The main purpose because of what landing pages are designed is for a Call to Action (CTA). Simplicity is what makes landing pages the best option for growing the conversion rates of the Google AdWords campaigns. The main goal of a landing page is to convert site visitors into customers. If the goal of your cannabis-based page is to obtain a sale, it will have a link for the visitor to click, sending them to a shopping cart. We will provide you with a great landing page, which will help you to increase conversion rates.

Google My Business

Google My Business allows people who are searching your or similar to your company to see its information in Google, Google Maps and Google Search Engines. We use Google My Business to help our clients and develop their business in a unique and efficient way. Google My Business is easy to update. Moreover, it will help you to stand out against a background of your competitors. Thanks to Google My Business, you can share a useful information with your customers as easy as A, B, C.
Users, who are looking for a company on Google, will easily be able to find the information they need, (e.g. the time of work or the address of your company), as it will immediately appear in the search results. It will also allow you to manage customers’ reviews and get custom insights on how customers interact with your business online.

Reputation Management

Reputation management is one of the most, if not the one, important issues each business owner has to think about, especially if you are a starter and people do not know your brand. It is a highly important thing, which will help you to win people’s confidence as well as tell them about our company’s name. It is a highly important factor, which will play a big role in attracting customers to visit medical cannabis shop and, what is more, order your products. We provide a great reputation management, thus, you may be sure your company’s reputation will be under the reliable and safe control of our team. We will promote your company’s honesty, implement customer experience management (CEM) practices and engage with local customers online.Users, who are looking for a company on Google, will easily be able to find the information they need, (e.g. the time of work or the address of your company), as it will immediately appear in the search results. It will also allow you to manage customers’ reviews and get custom insights on how customers interact with your business online.

Local Citations

A local citation is a very important part of marijuana business development. It is any mention of your cannabis business on the web. It includes any combination of your company name, phone number, address, zip or postal code, and website address. A local citation is one of the key factors, which will help your local search results. There are different forms of local citations, such as follows:

  • Company name.
  • Company phone number.
  • Company name and phone number.
  • Company name, phone number, and address.
  • Company name, phone number, address, and website.
  • Company name, and website.
  • Company’s name, address, and phone number are the most important parts of the local citation (known as NAP).

WMS will provide you with efficient marijuana local SEO. With the help of quality local citation, marijuana dispensary will experience an efficient influence of search engines rankings as well as positively influence your consumers.

Email Marketing For Marijuana Businesses

Search Engine Optimization for Furniture Store

Diversifying Your Content

Professional Marijuana Businesses Consulting

WMS is committed to seeing your success in the cannabis business. We are here to help you to establish and launch your business growth. We assist cannabis business owners to optimize facility design, standardize operations, and maximize business development. As a cannabis business consultancy, we help entrepreneurs as well as startups with entering the cannabis industry. We help those cannabis companies that are looking to grow and develop their existing business.

Cannabis Website Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is highly important for cannabis marketing. Out team of experts will do its best to provide your cannabis-based website with efficient and high-quality conversion rate optimization. It will help you to increase the percentage of the target audience of the marijuana online shop and convert them into customers. With the help of CRO process, provided by our team, you will know how the website visitors move through online marijuana shop, what actions they take and what stops them to perform the desired action and complete your goals.

Cannabis Website Conversion Rate Optimization

Our Marijuana Marketing Process

Features for Cannabis E-commerce Sites

User-Friendly Cannabis Website Design

User-Friendly Cannabis Website Design

If you are going to improve your existing website, then WMS is the right choice. Each client for us is of special importance that is why we do our best to ensure your website presence is on track of success. Once we have determined the features and functionalities, you want to offer on your marijuana website, we will learn the website designs of your competitors’ and we will determine what the customers like, dislike or would like to change in order to make your internet site design user-attractive.

Social Media Links

Adding social media links will be extremely useful as well as helpful. With the help of social media buttons to well-known social media like Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram will allow your site visitors to quickly access your social profiles. Social media is a highly valuable tool that is necessary to promote your website content. With the assistance of social media links, your store visitors will be able to share your website content with their social media connections and networks. It will allow you to expand the reach of your cannabis-based content to a wider audience as well as generate new visitors back to your shop.

Social Media Links
Marijuana Website Speed

Marijuana Website Speed

Have you ever thought that your website speed may be one of the reasons why the user while desiring to move to website leaves your shop without being a second there? Why is it so? Because of the low speed of your site. If the user wants to order or to buy a product, it is a will at the moment. That is why the speed of your cannabis-based website should be fast in order to avoid any inconveniences to the internet users, who may become your potential customers. We will optimize your store and make it the fastest it can be!

Security Features

Security is a critical feature for any website. In order to provide yourself as well as your customers with a maximum cannabis website security and protection, you have to think about all the possible ways to implement it. Our company will easily help you with it and protect your customers’ sensitive information, such as bank credentials, social security numbers and the other important information like credit card details.
Security Features
Mobile-Friendly Cannabis Shop

Mobile-Friendly Cannabis Shop

If you don’t make your website mobile friendly, then you need to know that it will drive away a big portion of your potential traffic. Accessing websites through smartphones and phablets has become a big trend. What is more, it is more comfortable, especially if you have no time of possibility to open and do it through your desktop. Mobile users like those sites that work well on small screens of their smartphones, the websites that are easy to navigate (with the mobile-friendly interface) and load fast. We take care of all the above-mentioned requirements in order to ensure that our clients’ pages perform well on all devices.

Cannabis Store Sitemap Page

A Sitemap is a XML file that includes URLs of your website along with additional metadata about each of them. Building sitemap pages are necessary in order to help website crawlers to discover your pages from links within your site and from other sites. To make a long story short, it enables search engine crawlers to define what pages are present on your website, and which one was recently changed. Google’s XML format was specially designed to help search engines to find the data faster as well as more effective.
Cannabis Store Sitemap Page
High-Resolution Photos and Video

High-Resolution Photos and Video

For our clients, we want to ensure only the best. To make the cannabis or cannabis-based website user attractive and desirable to visit day after day, we provide high-quality photos and videos. For a website design, we use only high-resolution photos as well as videos, as we know that the biggest success leads on the smallest details.

Advanced Payment Options

Advanced payment is the part of the continually due sum that is paid or received in advance for services or goods, where the balance that is included in the invoice will only follow the delivery. In case you have repeat clients, you will be able to save the credit card information for use towards future invoices and recurring templates. With help of Advanced Payments, you will able to be paid quickly. This is available with us.
Advanced Payment Options

Most Important Pages on Cannabis Website

Home Page

Privacy Policy is what builds trust with your website visitors. It tells your customers what information you need out of them and what you will do with it.

Your website privacy policy should include:

  • Business name and contact details.
  • Kinds of personal data you collect.
  • Why you collect personal data.
  •  Describe how personal data will be used.
  • Describe how you share data with third party companies.
  • Provide the instruction on how the users can delete their personal information.
  • Provide the users with a deep instruction on how they can opt out of future communications.

Product Page

The product page is one of the most important pages on a website. If your goal as a cannabis-business owner is to promote your products’ selling, then product pages should be a must as well as number one of your website. The main role of the product pages is to act as the salesperson for your products.  The most important parts of designing a quality product page are:

  1. Quality and informative content
  2. User attractive website design
  3. Call to action button
  4. Product description:
  • Reviews
  • Question and answer areas (Q&A)
  • High-quality pictures and videos

Category Page

Your website should not only look well but also be easy to navigate for a user, who may be your potential customer. The better your website is organized, the more customers you have. Thus, if you are selling cannabis or cannabis-based products, then your goal is to promote these products. In order to do it wisely, you not only need a quality product description but also provide your customer with an easy and convenient way to find this product on your website. It is what category page means. When your customers visit your website, they want to find an answer to their question. For example, if the customer is searching for “weed edibles”, but instead is graced with 30 categories, they would rather click the back button and leave your site. In order to prevent this problem, we will manage the categories of your website and provide your website users with an as efficient answer as possible.

Search and Search Results

As a cannabis website owner, you have to know about the importance of search as well as search results. All you do on your website is specially designed to attract search engines and “encourage” then to rank your site higher than the ones of competitors. There are numerous factors, which influence our search engine rankings. Our mission is to move forward your cannabis-based web page in order to make it appealing to Search Engines. We implement keywords, keyword phrases, and quality information into your content. Moreover, in order to attract search engines, we apply engaging illustrations, photos, videos (if needed) and hyperlinks. It is what positively works for SEO and search results.

Checkout Page

The checkout page is one of those website’s elements that is frequently overlooked by the website owners. It is a huge mistake. If your goal is to increase your revenue, then you need to think about checkout page and all the possible ways that are necessary to optimize it in order to push your customers down a purchase funnel. In order to do it, we will increase consumer trust with your products at the checkout page and, what is more, we will reduce the amount of the abandoned cards on the product page, in the shopping card and in the checkout page.

Shipping Information

Shipping information is frequently low on the list of priorities.  The lack of its presence on your website may be one of the reasons why your consumers do not want to buy the products, which your company offers. If you do not have a good shipping strategy, then you will end up with an unprofitable business. At WMS, you will be provided with a successful strategic shipping option that will differentiate you from competitors and increase your income.


To understand the importance of blogging, we have listed the most important reasons for their presence on your cannabis-based website:

  • Blogging you get an authority site, which ranks well in search engines.
  • Blogging makes your website sticky because of fresh, dynamic content.
  • Blogging is a powerful tool which helps to build community.
  • Blogging is a great decision to express your website.
  • Blogging is a vital part of your website development, as it is a more efficient way to promote your products than many other marketing methods do.
  • Blogging makes your website more authority.
  • Blogging helps your website to rank better in search engines.

FAQ Page

FAQ Page or Frequently Asked Questions page is a must on every reputable as well as the trustful website. FAQ page includes a valuable information, that is a vital part for your website visitors as it provides more information about the products and services which your company offers:

  • It is  a good navigation for a consumer journey.
  • Increases traffic and attracts more customers to visit and commit a purchase on your website.
  • Includes high-quality and informative content that helps your customers to understand the products  and services you offer.
  • Establishes you as an authority in your industry.
  • Can significantly improve your sailings.
  • Has a huge influence on your SEO.

Contact Us

It is ridiculous as well as a big nonsense to have a website without a contact information. It is a waste of resources, as without contact information search engines will never pull your site up.  Moreover, it is highly important for your potential customers to get your company phone number or email. We will tailor your website page according to your company’s needs as well as will provide good opportunities for people to contact you.

Legal Stuff

Privacy Policy is what builds trust with your website visitors. It tells your customers what information you need out of them and what you will do with it.

Your website privacy policy should include:

  • Business name and contact details.
  • Kinds of personal data you collect.
  • Why you collect personal data.
  •  Describe how personal data will be used.
  • Describe how you share data with third party companies.
  • Provide the instruction on how the users can delete their personal information.
  • Provide the users with a deep instruction on how they can opt out of future communications.

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