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How To Run Google Ads For Ecommerce?

Running Google Ads for Ecommerce can be a lucrative way to promote your products and services. However, achieving success with the proper strategy and implementation can be challenging. This article will provide tips on how to run successful Google Ads campaigns for eCommerce businesses. Stay tuned for more! 

Do Google Ads work for Ecommerce? 

Google Ads is one of the Internet’s most widely used advertising platforms. With over 2 billion active accounts, it’s no surprise that Google Ads can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. But what are the benefits and drawbacks of using Google Ads? Here’s a look at both sides of the coin to help you decide if Google AdWords is right for your eCommerce business. 

The pros of Google Ads on an Ecommerce Platform include: 

  • Cost-effective: Compared to other advertising platforms, Google Ads are relatively affordable. This makes them an attractive option for small businesses with a limited marketing budget or large companies that want to experiment with new advertising methods.
  • Targeted ads: With Google Ads, you can target your ads based on specific demographics such as age, location, and interests. This means you can create ads that are more likely to reach your target audience.
  • Broad reach: Google Ads allow you to reach a wide audience through search engine results pages (SERPs). And because Google AdWords is one of the most popular search engines in the world, your ads will reach a larger audience than other engines. In fact, according to research from eMarketer, 83 percent of US internet users have seen at least one ad from Google within the last 12 months. 

While Google Ads can be effective, there are a few downsides to using this tool that should be considered before implementing them on your eCommerce website: 

  • Unlike other advertising platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, Google does not have a strong lead generation algorithm. This means that ads placed on Google will likely receive lower engagement rates than ads placed on competing platforms. For this reason, choosing the keywords and phrases you target is important when using Google Ads.
  • While ads can generate traffic to your website, they only sometimes result in conversions. This is because many people visit websites without buying anything, so generating clicks without converting leads to sales can be frustratingly ineffective.

Which Google Ads is best for an eCommerce website?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to choosing the best Google Ads for eCommerce websites. However, according to eMarketer, Google Shopping ads are the most effective way to generate sales and grow your online business. 

Google Shopping ads allow you to target buyers based on their interests and behaviors. This means that you can create ads that specifically appeal to your target audience. Additionally, Shopping ads are highly targeted, meaning they will only show up on pages where shoppers are likely to be interested in your product or service. This level of targeting makes Shopping ads an excellent option for eCommerce websites with a wide range of products and services. Moreover, Shopping ads have a low cost-per-click (CPC) rate.

How do you run Ecommerce Google Ads? 

Running effective Google ads can be a challenge, but there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your campaigns. Follow these tips to get started: 

  1. Choose the right ad campaign type. There are several types of Google ads, including text, display, and video campaigns. You’ll need to decide which type of ad will work best for your business and target the audience you want to reach.
  2. Set budgets and targets. Budgets and targets are important when operating Google ads because you don’t want to waste money on ads that won’t result in conversions or sales. Make sure you set realistic budget constraints and goals so you can measure success regularly.  
  3. Make sure your ads are relevant. Targeting narrows your potential audience and makes it more likely that people will see your ad. Use keywords and phrases that people might use when researching products or services related to what you sell. 
  4. Create compelling images. Ads with high-quality images are more likely to be clicked on than those with lower-quality graphics. Use photos that appealingly represent your product or service, and make sure they’re large enough so people can see them easily. 
  5. Choose the right keywords. Another crucial step in running successful Google ads is choosing the right keywords. Use keyword research to determine which terms drive the most traffic to your competitor’s websites and find similar terms you could target.
  6. Create compelling ad titles and descriptions. Make sure your titles and descriptions are clear, concise, and persuasive, so potential customers will want to learn more about your offer. Use strong verbs and adjectives to capture attention, and include relevant keywords throughout your ad copy. 
  7. Keep your bids low. Bidding too high can lead to fewer impressions and lower click-through rates (CTRs). A good rule of thumb is to set your bid at no more than 1 cent per click.
  8. Set your targeting parameters correctly. You will also need to set your targeting parameters right. It would help if you targeted people who are likely to buy what you’re selling. For example, if you’re selling clothes, you would want to target people who live in areas with high populations of women. 

How much does it cost to run an ad with Google?

Google charges advertisers based on several factors, like the size of the ad and its placement. However, there’s no set price for running an ad on Google. The advertiser sets their budget, and Google then adjusts the cost to fit. In fact, running a Google Ad is typically cheaper than other online advertising options. Here are some examples of how much it costs to run an ad with Google: 

  • Basic Display Ad: $0.00 to $5.95 per click.
  • Standard Search Ad: $2.50 to $6.50 per click.
  • Integrated Display and Search ads: $7.00 to $10.