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How To Run Google Ads For Hotels?

Is your hotel looking for ways to increase reservations and occupancy? If so, you may be interested in learning about Google Ads. Google Ads is a powerful online advertising tool that can help you reach potential guests searching for hotels on Google. In this article, we will walk you through the basics of how to create Google hotel ads. Stay tuned. 

Benefits of Google Ads For Hotels

Hotel ads in Google can be a great way to drive bookings and increase occupancy rates. By targeting potential guests already searching for hotel accommodations, hotel ads can put your property in front of a highly qualified audience. Additionally, hotel ads can be customized to target specific locations, dates, and even hotel amenities, so you can ensure that your ad reaches the right people. And because hotel ads are Pay-Per-Click (PPC), you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective way to market your hotel. If you’re looking for a way to increase bookings and drive more traffic to your property, your hotel ads in Google may be the solution. 

How To Set Up a Google Hotel Ads Campaign?

Hotel ads in Google can be an effective way to reach guests searching for accommodation. To set up a hotel ads campaign, you must create a hotel ads account and add your hotel’s information. Once your hotel is registered, you can create ad campaigns and target potential guests using various criteria. You can also set up a budget for your hotel ads campaigns, so you don’t overspend. To get the most out of hotel ads, it is essential to monitor your campaigns closely and make adjustments as needed. With a little effort, you can set up an effective hotel ads campaign to help you reach your marketing goals.

So, how do you set up a hotel ads campaign? Here’s a step-by-step Google hotel ads guide:

1. First, sign into your Google Ads account and create a new campaign.

2. Choose “Search Network only” as your campaign type.

3. In the “Locations” section, select the countries or regions where you want your hotel ads to appear.

4. In the “Networks” section, select “Google Search.”

5. In the “Bidding” section, choose how you want to bid on your hotel ad campaigns. There are three options: cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM), and cost-per-acquisition (CPA).

6. In the “Budget” section, set your daily budget for each hotel ad campaign.

7. In the “Ad Extensions” section, add any additional information you want to include in your hotel ads, such as your hotel’s phone number or website address.

8. Finally, review your hotel ad campaigns and submit them for approval! Once approved, your hotel ads will start appearing on Google search results pages.

Google Hotel Ads Management: Everything You Need To Know 

As a hotelier, you understand the importance of a strong online presence. Google hotel ads are a key piece of your digital marketing strategy, and managing them effectively can help you reach more potential guests and grow your business. Here’s everything you need to know about Google hotel ads management:

  • Google hotel ads appear in search results when potential guests search for hotels in your area. You can bid on keywords and other factors to ensure that your ad is shown to users who are most likely to book a room at your hotel.
  • Google hotel ads include essential information about your property, such as prices, amenities, and photos. You can also include special offers and promotions to entice potential guests to book a room.
  • To succeed with Google hotel ads, monitoring your performance and regularly making necessary changes is essential. It would help if you also tracked your conversion rate to see how effective your ads are at driving bookings.
With these tips in mind, you’re on your way to success with Google hotel ads management. By bidding strategically, creating compelling ads, and monitoring your performance, you can attract more guests and boost your bottom line.

Google Hotel Ads Example

As the world’s largest search engine, Google receives billions of daily queries. And with the rise of mobile devices, more and more people are using Google to search for information on the go. This presents a unique opportunity for businesses in the hospitality industry, especially hotels. One way to take advantage of this is through Google hotel ads. These ads allow hotels to showcase their properties in a highly visible way and can target potential guests searching for information about specific destinations. Hotel ads can also be customized to highlight special offers or discounts. As a result, they can be an extremely effective way to reach potential guests and generate bookings.

One successful Google hotel ad example comes from the Marriott Marquis New York. This ad features beautiful photos of the hotel’s rooms and amenities and key information such as the property’s location and phone number. The ad also includes a call-to-action that encourages potential guests to “book now.” As a result, it is clear, straightforward, and highly effective. Marriott Marquis New York has successfully used Google hotel ads to reach potential guests and generate bookings. And your hotel can do the same.

How Do You Optimize Hotel Ads in Google Maps? 

As the world increasingly relies on digital channels for everything from entertainment to commerce, it’s no surprise that hotels are turning to Google Maps for advertising. After all, what could be more convenient than being able to book a room with just a few clicks? However, simply creating a hotel ad is not enough to ensure success. To optimize hotel ads on Google Maps, consider the following tips:

  1. Use high-quality images. Google users are visual creatures, so make sure your ad features attractive photos that accurately represent your property.
  2. Use persuasive copy. In addition to describing your property’s amenities, highlight what makes it unique and why it’s the perfect choice for the reader’s needs.
  3. Use an attention-grabbing headline. Like any other ad, your hotel ad should have a headline that makes users want to learn more.
  4. Target your audience. Use Google’s targeting options to ensure that your ad is seen by people who are likely interested in booking a stay at your hotel.
Following these practices can help ensure that your hotel’s Google Maps ad is effective and yields the desired results.


Hotel ads on Google offer businesses a host of benefits, from increasing brand awareness to Google hotel ads direct booking. If you’re not already taking advantage of this powerful advertising medium, get in touch with our team. We can help create a marketing campaign to increase your hotel website’s traffic and boost your bottom line. Thanks for reading!
